Monday, August 27, 2012

By The Numbers

Months since Clara was born: 5
Days she has now been home from the hospital, in a row: 35

Times she tried to kick the blanket off her legs when her mom thought she looked cold: 4 billion
Times she has peed on said blankets: about 10

Number of thymuses she has: 0
Number of times she's been sick: 0 (I'm not counting her sternal infection post-surgery, that was happening, thymus or no thymus)

Weeks without feeding tube: almost 3
Weeks without gaining weight, but not losing any either!: almost 3

Tubeless nights she has slept through: 2 or 3
Nights she has creeped out her parents by staring at her mobile and slowly, mindlessly scratching at her sheets, as if possessed: 2

Times she grabbed Dad's chops and pulled hairs: countless
Number of hairs on her own head: 7ish (maybe she's trying to steal his for implant?)

Number of times I have made her watch the Twilight movies, Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Real Housewives reunion shows: hundreds
Number of times her dad has let her watch Disney and Pixar movies: hundreds
(Clearly, one of us has a better pulse on what is appropriate for babies than the other)

Road trips with mom: 2
Rides on ATV: 2

Trips to the pool: 1
Trips to Costco and the grocery store: 5 (one of these activities is air conditioned, one is not...)

Times I've picked her wee nose: too many to count
Times she has picked mine: 2, this morning in fact

5Ks completed: 1
Pedicures completed: 4
Shoes worn: 0 (she has my short, fat  hobbit feet, I'm afraid and nothing fits yet)

Elf ears: 1
Tiny cute bums: 1
Perfect broken hearts: 1
Super smitten parents: 2

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