Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Feel Lucky

I'm feeling lucky.
I have spent countless hours frightening myself and reassuring myself and confusing myself by reading through posts on the Intermountain Healing Hearts (IHH) forum I joined for heart parents. And today I find myself feeling so grateful for the knowledge we have about what is going on with Clara. So many of these sweet moms had to find out, within a day or two of their baby being born, that they weren't heart healthy. Then the babies were life flighted to PCMC and their heart journey began with a separation.
Today I'm bragging because we have time to prepare emotionally and mentally for this. We can do all our googling now, we can research and ask questions and buy side-snap onesies beforehand.
And though I'm tired and not sleeping well quite yet, I am thankful for the time to rest up and prepare to greet our baby girl, ready to help her with whatever our next steps are.

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